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meet Shauna


Shauna Smith-Pierre is a strategic digital communications executive on a mission to help notable brands dominate their digital presence. Her superpower is leading communications and marketing teams in executing full-scale campaigns. Her consulting capabilities include local SEO, digital advertising, public relations, and content development.


Mrs. Smith-Pierre has successfully led impactful initiatives for governmental entities, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), state and municipal authorities, private companies, and non-profit organizations.


As President and CEO of Digital Content Chick, a results-driven digital communications consultancy providing strategic market solutions, Shauna has powered groundbreaking communications and digital strategy for leading brands nationwide.


Her career spans over a decade of public and private involvement, crafting a unique point of view in today's digital communications world. She brings innovative and thought-provoking solutions to each endeavor while championing social good.



Thanks for connecting!

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